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Healthy Eating Habits for Busy Empty Nesting Moms Who Want to Lose the Weight they Hate

(Or anyone actually . . . )

Sometimes, eating healthier choices can feel like a daunting task, especially when you're a busy , working too much, and trying to balance it all kind of person. With some simple, practical tips, you can nourish your body without adding more stress to your life. Healthy eating habits can transform your well-being and bring back your energy.

"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." — François de La Rochefoucauld

A Personal Journey:

In 2020, like many of us, I found myself making choices that didn’t prioritize my health. It wasn’t intentional, but it happened. I gained 20 pounds, was mostly sedentary, and felt frustrated and a little depressed. My food choices weren't great, and my younger son, Zach—an amazing self-taught chef, like his brother—was home, cooking incredible meals for us. I probably ate too much of that super delicious, not-so-healthy food, and enjoyed a bit too much wine.

As we began moving forward from 2020, I realized the essential need to make better choices. I brought myself back to basics with my go-to meal prepping plans, and it made a world of difference. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, know that you’re not alone, and it’s never too late to turn things around.

1. Acknowledging the Challenge: Life can be hectic. Between work, family, and everything else on your plate, finding time to eat healthily can feel like an impossible task. But small, sustainable changes can make a big difference. Let’s break it down.

2. Meal Planning Made Simple:

  • Set Aside Time: Dedicate 30 to maybe 45 minutes each week to plan your meals. (As you create the habit it gets easier and quicker!)

  • Create a Basic Menu: Choose a few go-to healthy recipes that you enjoy and can prepare quickly. Think lean proteins, whole grains, and plenty of veggies and don’t forget the fruits!

  • Make a Grocery List: Stick to your list to avoid impulse buys and ensure you have all the ingredients you need.

  • Prep Ahead: Spend a little time prepping ingredients or even whole meals on the weekends or when you have a bit of downtime.

3. Smart Snacking: We all get those mid-morning or late-afternoon hunger pangs. Instead of reaching for junk food, have healthy snacks on hand.  Put healthier foods front and center as your first line of snack attack defense. Here are some ideas:

  • Nuts and Seeds: Packed with healthy fats and protein.

  • Fresh Fruit: Nature's fast food.

  • Veggies and Hummus: Crunchy and satisfying.

  • Greek Yogurt: High in protein and great with some berries.

4. Mindful Eating: When you're busy, it's easy to eat mindlessly. But slowing down and paying attention to your meals can have a huge impact on your overall well-being. Try these tips:

  • Eat Without Distractions: Turn off the TV, put away your phone, and focus on your food.

  • Chew Thoroughly: Take your time to chew your food well. This aids digestion and helps you feel full.

  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. Eat when you’re hungry, and stop when you’re satisfied.

5. Hydration is Key: Sometimes, what we think is hunger is actually thirst. Staying hydrated is crucial for overall health. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Carry a reusable water bottle with you and sip throughout the day. You can also include herbal teas or infused water for variety.

To determine your daily water intake needs, use this simple formula:

Your weight (in pounds) x 0.67 = ounces of water you should drink daily.

For example, if you weigh 150 pounds: 150 x 0.67 = 100.5 ounces of water per day.

Adjust this amount if you're very active or if the weather is particularly hot.

6. Quick and Healthy Meal Ideas: Here are a few quick and healthy meal ideas for those super busy days:

  • Smoothie Bowls: Blend up some fruits, veggies, and a protein source like Greek yogurt or protein powder. Top with nuts, seeds, and a little granola.

  • Salad Jars: Layer your favorite salad ingredients in a jar for a quick, portable meal.

  • Stir-Fries: Quick to make and you can use whatever veggies and protein you have on hand.

  • Overnight Oats: Prep the night before for a hassle-free, nutritious breakfast.

Taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity.

You deserve to feel vibrant, healthy, and energized.

By incorporating these healthy eating habits into your busy life, you'll start to see and feel the difference.

Start small,

be consistent,

and celebrate

your progress along the way.

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