You resolve to stay strong, limit the events, eat something before you go, keep up with your move-more sessions, and not let the season overwhelm you! You tell yourself you’ll only have a bite of this here and a little bit of that there. And you create your plan to take more stairs, park farther away, and keep your appointments with your trainer!
BUT the parties, cookies, noshes, adult beverages, lost sleep and missed workouts begin to add up and throw you off your game!
All of a sudden, January 1st comes along with the stress of another New Year’s Reset weighing heavily on your mind.
There is nothing wrong with having fun and diving into the season’s indulgences and with the right plan, support and resources you can your holidays and your health too!
Introducing . . . . .
The 7-Step
Happy Healthy Holidays
formula is designed to help
you enjoy the holiday season without totally ignoring your healthy living goals!
It's a FREE, fun-filled, easy to follow step by step 6-week program that brings to you an effective way to navigate the often-frenzied holiday season.
It starts with a powerful visualization exercise to clarify exactly how you want to act and feel during this holiday season. You will be empowered by this clarity to easily make the best decisions that keep you in alignment with your healthy goals, your holiday goals and your deepest desires.
In this webinar we will cover
Get a jumpstart on the holidays with our Holiday Survival Guide which contains everything you'll need to not only survive, but TO THRIVE this holiday season. And. . . . because it's all delivered electronically, you'll have access anytime and anywhere via your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You'll be invited into our private Happy Healthy Holidays Facebook Community of like-minded people who are on the same "stay healthy during the holidays" path.
It's an opportunity to make lifelong friendships with your fellow participants and have direct access to me, your coach. If you need support, want to celebrate a win, or just want to chat ... our community will be there for you!
You'll be invited to meet as a group on Zoom for four live coaching sessions. Click here to view the coaching schedule.
And in order to fully support your path along the way, throughout the 6 weeks we are together, I will schedule short Q&A live sessions in our private Facebook group to guide you through each step of the Happy Healthy Holidays formula.